Last night we had the Best Ever Dinner Out and so obviously this must be documented since oddly enough the last time we had dinner out was the Worst Ever Dinner Out where within thirty seconds of food arriving we had to abort table and convert operations to become Fastest Takeaway Meal Ever.
Every parent of a toddler must play this game, this crazy Russian Roulette type pick a meal which starts like this:
ooh look at the time, what do you reckon about lobbing down to (inexpensive but delicious restaurant where children are tolerated) and having dinner out as a family, we can take a bib and a bowl and I'm sure there's something that s/he will eat...
And your spouse stares at you with wide eyes and indrawn breath, shocked at the outrageous thought of dining out with toddler, and completely turned on by the thought that someone else will cook and serve you food of your choice and then clean up after you've gone.
Then, flushed with excitement, one of you will say...hey, why don't we go to that other more delicious place, the one that doesn't have high-chairs but does have wide seating which should surely be safe enough for our beloved offspring and WHAT THE HELL LET'S GET A BOTTLE OF WINE!
And so down you go, the three of you, to the other restaurant, the one that's actually not child-friendly at all but has much better food and, tellingly, is the place you used to go to all the time Before Baby, so the look, smell and dim sexy lighting conspire to remind you of that time... when you had all the sleep and sex in the world and STOP THIS MADNESS AT ONCE YOU ARE DELUDING YOURSELF THOSE DAYS ARE GONE.
The toddler falls from the wide comfy seats and screams, takes exception to having the candle removed from his fingers and screams, hates all the food you've ordered and screams.
The only consolation is that the place is so damn noisy (was it always like that?) that no one is perturbed by the noise and anyway it's still only 7pm and nobody's having dinner anyway except pensioners and sadly disappointed parents like yourselves.
Aha, but fast forward to Last Night when the sting of previous efforts had faded to be renamed 'mere inconvenience' instead of 'abject humiliation'.
We went back to previously described restaurant and once again we bought wine (yes!) and once again we enquired about a high chair (no!) but this time, Tricky stayed sitting beautifully on the wide seats and ignored the candle and ate rice with curry sauce and roti and drank from his sippy cup and we ate our dinner and drank one glass of wine each and it was PURE BLISS.
He was so gorgeous, so utterly divine, we then took him out to see the stars (current obsession: tinkle tinkles) and then took him to the icecream parlour and he was in bed by 7.30 pm and we were watching 6 Feet Under (series 2) by 7.45 and that my friends is the story of Our Best Ever Dinner Out.
Moral of the story is...GO EARLY AND YOU CAN MAKE IT HAPPEN.
It may never happen like this again, I know.
But for one night, it was superb.
ooh! and as if that wasn't enough... we got leftovers!
(*closes eyes and squeezes self with joy at the thought*)
PS This post brought to you by italics.
Book Bouquet
2 weeks ago
A gorgeous post, spoilt only slightly by no pictures of His Magnificent Dining-Out Self grinning at Mummy and Daddy's old haunt....
Seriously. You are so brave! I have to take my six and three year olds to a community roast bif supper today and I'm sure there will be things spilled and at least one person will raise their voice before it's through.
I agree. Good Fortune Rewards The Brave! (says the heavily pregnant woman, wondering if she'll ever be able to go to her favourite restaurants again).
Thank you for this blog, it is an exciting peek into my future.
Roti and rice with curry? And you didn't offer to fly me over? Sniff. I have not had roti in YEARS. I miss it. I live in the sticks now where you shoot your dinner 30 minutes before eating it. But where I went to college, there was a little Malaysian restuarant that had the best roti and yuuuummmm, I can still taste it to this day. I'm really well-behaved in restuarants. Just saying.
oh, oh, oh... yes OG, we hot-footed it to our local vietnamese restaurant yesterday and Lil'Mooey scarfed down singapore fried noodles, spring rolls, crispy skin roast pork, and sipped water from a chinese tea cup. Quick service, early dinner is the key...
oooh & the OH drove, so I drank more than ONE glass. woo hoo!
This is GREAT! Paul and I had lunch out with our daughter and four of our grandchildren yesterday. CRAZY. Especially with the 2.5 year old. I could really identify with your worst ever meal.
Loved the post
Wait, wait wait. Toddlers who sit there nicely? No screaming and backarching? No throwing food on the floor in a fit of rage over parents' audacity to not provide exactly what they want? These creatures exist?
Tricky is a diamond, a diamond I tell you!
A diamond some days Pru, a screaming hell beast on others., me, Flicka must get together for a meal sometime. We have tastebuds in common. Your meal sounds perfect. Esp the OH driving part.
you are a brave brave woman...
Flicka, you are a woman after my own taste, yes all the malaysian hawker style food, I love it!
Anonymous Novocastrian...
being an ex-Novocastrian myself I can only suggest that you eat out frequently perhaps at Silo or Lans or Lime and AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE before the big day indeed spells the end of fine dining.
I hope your supper went well and your family did you proud. Or at least were not identifiable to others.
I really enjoyed this post as all parents/grandparents have experienced the problems you described. I am really pleased Tricky was so good & that you all enjoyed the meal. It is the first st of many to come, I am sure.
Way to go, Tricky. We hardly ever venture beyond a nearby Mexican restaurant with the girls, but maybe, just maybe, they can handle something a little better? You give me hope.
OG I am so glad that you had a wonderful meal - much deserved - and Tricky behaving beautifully is a real bonus.
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