When dining at delightful local restaurant with friends and their toddler, do not secretly come over all self congratulatory and self-satisfied smiles when your toddler sits like a perfect angel eating his noodles and their toddler shouts: NO! NO RICE! NO NOODLES! and then has to be strongarmed out of the restaurant by his father for 'quiet time'.
Because, twenty minutes later, when you have completed your meal and are now all sitting in the icecream parlour for dessert, your toddler will go ABSOLUTELY APESHIT.
And just to ensure you get the message, you smug cow, he will wake you in the middle of the night, screaming at the top of his lungs: ICE CREAM!!!!!
Book Bouquet
1 week ago
Ah yes, the smugness always gets turned around doesn't it. I love that Tricky was yelling for ice cream in the middle of the night. Hy.sterical!
One thing I have definitely found about this age is that they KNOW WHAT THEY WANT AND WANT IT RIGHT NOW. Distraction, my ass!
Bawl. Finished your book today....what a top story. I loved every page. sniff.
I love reading your posts! I would do the "smug thing" from time to time or deal with others doing it.. I stopped when I watched former perfect babies have a horrible teen age period. Didn't want that for me! Thanks for your post
Lil'mooey yelled out in the middle of her nap yesterday, "It's MINE!!!" then promptly fell back asleep.
Ha! Erm, uh...sorry? They are little buggers sometimes, aren't they?
Better to enjoy the smugness when you can. It's much easier on the nerves than trying to be ready for the next performance :)
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