News Flash to braindead parents at Daylight Savings changeover….feeding your child an hour earlier (ie at their pre-DS eating time) ACTUALLY WORKS.
Tricky was a dream, nay a cherub, nay a fully fledged angel of the lord with floaty frock and feathers. Having been a screaming, back arching, food throwing monster of the deep the day before, he was suddenly a miniature Noel Coward, all witty repartee and delightful table manners. The booster seat is at the ready but we’re holding off for the moment.
My youngest sister K is pregnant. Almost 12 weeks in fact. She was one of those I’m going off the pill now, whoopsie! women. She would be one of those women I couldn’t help hating except that she’s my baby sister and she also spent most of this trimester with her head in a bucket. She told us, her family, when she was about three weeks and when I started to speak all that All Being Well stuff she hushed me and said: I started saying that but now I’ve stopped because I believe it will all be well and I want to just enjoy the pregnancy.
I was stunned at her blind optimism but also jealous and then also kind of proud of her attitude, because, why shouldn’t a healthy young woman believe that her pregnancy will end happily? Isn’t that one of the things IF steals from you? Faith? Optimism? Belief in a happy ending?
I hushed up and instead packed a bag of books for her. I’ve got a great one that AJ sent me about Spiritual Midwifery, I told her and also a couple of books about nutrition in pregnancy. Yes, yes, she said, bring all that. But what I really need is a book of baby names.
I hugged her.
Other news: The House Of Groovy Love rang to let me know that All Being Well, the transfer will happen on Tuesday! This Tuesday! As in the 15th!! Because my girly insides are giddy and impatient like unbroken colts before Almanzo Wilder lays his strong experienced hands upon them and have thusly jumped the estrogen fence. Big Fatty Dominant Follicle had grown to the size of a small helicopter by the last date with the Dildo-Cam which sort of hinted gently that the surge was in sight.
My Whockety! It all seems to have crept up so soon. I have rung and made an appointment to see the Chinese Fertility Goddess on Monday for acupuncture, which will be weird because I haven’t seen her since my last transfer over two years ago. I didn’t even send her one of those thankyou cards with a picture of my baby on it because…well I don’t know, it was all too much, the whole sending out pictures with my baby on it. I was so sore I could barely sit down for weeks and so constipated the last thing on my mind was a little letter writing so of course now I’m stricken with worry that she’ll think I’m rude and obnoxious and don’t deserve to have a second baby. In the highly unlikely event that she will actually be as lovely and sweet and as positive as I remember her being, I shall also see her on Squirty Up The Clacker Day for post transfer needles.
Tonight, I start on those silver bullets of waxy progesterone goodness: the pessaries. They’re small, they’re handmade, they’re individually wrapped in silver paper and stored in a lovely old fashioned dark glass jar. I could only love them more if they were tiny dark chocolate truffles but then I wouldn’t be sliding them up my hoohah and waving my legs in the air for an hour.
Book Bouquet
1 week ago
I'm so happy for you, standing at the top of the Ferris wheel, getting ready for the big tummy-dropping swoop and the incredible ride to follow!!
Best wishes for you, OvaG!
Tuesday, they have brought it forward, you must be so excited, but also nervous I guess. I am really pleased for you, and will be thinking of you on Tuesday, sending staying put thoughts, and wishing you all the very best with it.
Tuesday, wow!! That was certainly fast. The whole Almanzo Wilder thing made me laugh. I haven't read those books in years and having one's ovaries compared to wild horses just really shook my funny bone. I didn't even know what ovaries WERE the first time I read them.
So much good luck, my dear. I am praying and rooting hard for you!
Crikey! It's de-ja-vu!!
It's terribly exciting OG. Can you imagine Tricky Part II??
I wanted to get a pessary turned into a charm, to wear around my neck or ankle....not ideal in the hot weather though ;)
Silver Bullets. Bullseye!
Oh what fun!
Yes it's all a bit unreal frankly. Tricky woke us at 5.30 this morning screaming about mosquitoes and I thought, what will this be like with two?
I am keeping everything crossed for you. Good luck!
Just goes to show how time can sometimes how about being fed chocolate truffles while you're on your back waving your legs about? Just a suggestion...
Yes Lin and once upon a time in our courting days...
You sound so excited, and with good cause. Good luck for tomorrow! And don't worry, having two is just like having one, minus all the free time you don't realize you have. Try to sleep now!
Just wanted to wish you luck for tomorrow, hope that everything goes well, I'm rooting for you!
Good luck with transfer! My fingers are most definitely crossed for you.w
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