7.15 the next morning, 7.45 today.
Em's right, it's a combination of the lower temperature and the white noise. Bedtime is later generally because it's holidays here but even with a late bedtime Tricky was still waking at 5.30 to 6 every morning.
Tomorrow we're going to visit Poppy and Aphwa again, for a few days, and we'll see if I can keep the system going.
He still wakes in the middle of the night at times. It's like sleep talking or to be more accurate - sleep screaming.
The other night I woke with a start when he yelled at the top of his voice: CUDDLE ME!
Still half asleep myself, I sprang out of bed and leapt to his side. I knelt down on the floor, leaned over and put my arms about him, gently whispering shhh shhh...
He did not shhhh.
Instead he shrieked into my ear: TOO MANY HANDS!
Book Bouquet
1 week ago
Too many hands?? I wonder what he was dreaming.
Hooray for continuing to sleep in. Mae decided that 5 a.m. was an awesome time to start the day today. I managed to get her back to sleep just in time for Ev to get up demanding waffles.
How long after Tricky goes to sleep does he start night screaming? Could it be the start of night terrors? My older dd started at that age.
I'm sorry I laughed. Poor Tricky, poor OvaGirl. I'm glad he's sleeping later, though! That's progress! Long may it continue.
It is all up and down with sleeping at this age..... all I know is that when they are older and have to get up for school, the covers are pulled right over their heads and thy leave getting up till the last minute. Whatever happens?
Good old night screaming, eh...fun for all the family.
On the other side I'd just like to say that our three go down at 1930 and sleep through till about 0700-0730, although on a weekend I can sometimes jolly them into playing quietly in their beds until 0900 - that's 0900!
I realise this probably doesn't makes you feel any better - really, I just popped in to boast...
If it makes you feel any better, my two are invariably awake by 5.30 every morning, fans notwithstanding. That's what comes of living in a place that's one if not two hours out of its proper time-zone. J frequently sleep-talks, often loudly enough to wake me up, and S is not adverse to the occasional scream too. Once again, you are not alone!
Nothing helpful to say, but that last bit from tricky really made me laugh!
First, thank you for your comment on my scrabble tiles. It was very thoughtful of you!
Secondly, Lex does what I refer to as 'dream screaming'; I can go in there and he's just laying on his belly sound asleep 'crying'. He usually calms himself without any drastic interventions (i.e. holding him). Sometimes it requires us to find his pacifier (he's just a few days over a year old), but he usually goes right back to sleep. I consider these 'successful nights' ;-)
Tricky's response was awesome, btw!
Love your blog, been reading for a few years. Night terrors are common in children of his age, perhaps you can google it? my son always woke 5.30 to 6am and as he has got older, it has gradually got better and we are at 7am now. i found the heat makes him wake earlier, but alas, not solar heat but central heating! Also, watch what T is watching, it may be with the older boys, he is watching stuff that is worrying him and manifesting itself in his dreams. good luck>
So still not a lot of rest for mom!? My Grand Son had those night terrors and my son and daughter-in-law went months with little sleep. I hope these night terrors end for you soon.
Ant woke up screaming in the middle of the night the other day; when I went in, he said, "I have to find the eye. Find the other eye, Mommy!". ?????
Things are definitely getting interesting.
I also have to apologize that I've been horrible about commenting lately - I have SEVEN of your posts saved in bloglines awaiting comments!!
Too many hands?? Haha.
P was sleeping in our bed the other night due to a nasty cold, and randomly at 2am shouted, "IT IS FAR TOO SUNNY IN HERE! MAKE THE SUN GO AWAY!" I convinced her there was no sun in the very dark room, and she promptly went back to sleep.
Odd little beasts...
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