I have blocked this from my subconscious so effectively, wallowed in nostalgia and ooh hoo I'm turning 40 drama so completely that I have forgotten to say that we are going away for a couple of weeks. This will be lovely of course but it is the five (is it five? Is it more?) hour plane trip with Tricky on our laps that will take us there and back.
Help me. You who have travelled long distance in planes with under twos. Give me some guidance. My sister in law has suggested bubbles for take off and landing and any other time child must be kept still. But then someone else said, no, they won't let you take liquid on the plane? To Perth? Really? WHAT ABOUT THE WINE?
Book Bouquet
1 week ago
Yes give Tricky the wine, it'll work better than bubbles.
sorry I missed your birthday post... Happy Belated Birthday, welcome to the club & all that...
No tips for flying with a tot...hope you all have a good trip.
Argghhh, I've forgotten (oh okay, lost) your phone number. I'd still like to meet up - can you re-email your contact - please (because you are organised and won't have lost my details).
Oh, and cheer up, Breda leaves on a plane from the UK with our two-year-old triplets today. I envy her not at all...
A portable dvd player and snacks. It worked on our 1.5 hour trip to New Orleans, but we're taking a 3?4? hour trip in a few weeks. I hope it works for longer flights, because if not, we're screwed.
All liquids have to go in your checked luggage unless of course it's under 3 or is it 4 oz...find out, because the buggers will toss it in the bin if it's over. And definitely a portable dvd player and, I'm thinking, Charlie and Lola dvds. Loads of dry snacks, with really special stuff saved for those 'special' times.
And...have fun!
How about Benedryl? Just kidding. DVD's sound like a wonderful idea.
Have a wonderful time while you're away; I'm going to miss your posts.
I'm afraid that I am not much use on entertaining toddlers, but DVD's work really well on me!! Have a fantastic trip & look forward to hearing all about it when you get back.
ours travelled better than we expected. apart from special blankie and favourite cuddly, we had goody bags to give out at stages on the way (i got that tip from a proper nanny!); e.g. small discardable stuff like string for tangling, sticky tape, paper, crayons, pipe cleaners, bit of modelling dough... security will of course insist that you have all the ingredients to make a bomb on board rather than your toddler's craft kit.
sucky sweets for landing and take off - helps to deal with painful ear-popping.
DVD's and party bags sound like excellent ideas.
Have a wonderful trip :)
thankyou thankyou thankyou!
Fuzzy felt board or the modern sticky vinyl ones, wrap things in the goody bags in lots of layers - it adds to the fun (as long as the wrapping isn't too hard to get off = screaming tomato)
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