Monday, March 06, 2006


We’re getting ready to move (next week) into The Big House (along with Naughty Nephews and their parents).

Half the belongings in our flat, the sturdy square edged half, is packed into cardboard boxes, the other half taunts us with its gamut of weird knobbly unwrappable shapes and thin fragile edges.

I’m doing most of the packing because C is working away on making the Big House habitable. My process is to pack a box, have a cup of tea, pack another box, eat five loaves and half an oxen and on it goes.

The other movements in our life are much smaller, but so much more impressive.

We’re at seventeen weeks now (!) and along with those tooth buds and the pissing-into-your-own-amniotic fluid-and-then-drinking-it-tendencies, apparently, if the Tiny Dancing Baby is a girl she’s growing eggs.

Eggs! I squealed at C. Teeny tiny weeny little eggs in her teeny tiny ovaries! How bizarre is that? And one day, one of those teeny tiny eggs might be half of a new teeny tiny baby. Only teenier! And tinier!

And then I stopped because all that high pitched squealing was hurting my throat and aggravating my mucous membranes.

Surely one of those most attractive and endearing Facet Of Pregnancy must be the cascading waterfall of slime that forms within one’s body.

One moment I could throw out my arms and inhale lustily the warm Sydney morning through my nostrils, the next I was drowning in snot.

Snotty Nose rapidly became Evil Mucous Dripping Down The Back Of The Throat. This led to much hacking. Quite quickly I managed to give myself a throat infection and a nasty chesty cough. This in turn led to much lying down and feeling sorry for myself.

About three days ago while lying on the couch I started feeling other sorts of movement.

Of the feathery flicking type.
As if a tiny dancing baby had decided it was time to give the uterus a bit of a clean with an equally tiny feather duster.

When I put C’s hand on my abdomen he could feel them too. For a moment we sat like that. Then he grinned at me and said: this is so exciting, I have to ring my mum.

And as he spoke to his mother I lay beside him with my hands down my pants feeling the sweet flick and flutter of someone with their very own tooth buds.

It was a very fine moment.


Anonymous said...

oh yeah, ova girl.... it's so cool isn't it... I like to curl up behind the OH in bed so he can feel the kicks in his back.

Yey for you & C...

Van Dino said...

Yay for movements big and small!

Urban Chick said...

oh wow - it's indeed a wonderful moment and more, much more flicking and fluttering to come

keep eating those oxen - i've heard that little beans love it when their amniotic fluid turns a little oxtail soupy (masks the taste of pee)


granny p said...

Aaahhh.... xxx (And I never heard that lovely moment better described.) Sorry about the snot.

Anonymous said...

One kind of moving - heaven. The other - hell in a handbag. Give me the flutteries any day. Congrats on 17 weeks!

soralis said...

There is nothing more wonderful than feeling your wee one move. Wow 17 weeks, it won't be long now before you get to meet your wee one.

Anonymous said...

that is SO cool !

cat said...

A very fine moment indeed! Those flickers will be growing into full body kicks soon enough.

Congrats on 17 weeks!

charlotte said...

There is nothing in the whole known universe that compares to feeling your baby move. It is breathtaking.

Gabrielle said...

There is nothing sweeter than feeling the babe within. So happy for you, me and everyone else who is experiencing this miracle. I am sure it is only a matter of weeks though before we tell the babes to "calm the fuck down in there 'cos I am trying to sleep/eat/think!" But for now, it is bliss.
Much love, M.

Anonymous said...

Its such an amazing thing to feel. I'm so happy for you and C and the little one.

MsPrufrock said...

Ooo...I'm jealous now. Given that you and I are pretty much exactly at the same point, I've felt no movement thus far. I'm so pleased that you have been though; I can't imagine the excitement.

As for the snot, I hear you completely on that one. I'm having my own snot issues at the moment, which of course will be covered in my blog soon.

May the kicking of your innards long continue.

Nico said...

How completely and totally exciting to feel the little one in there. Makes it much more real, I imagine!

I'm having snot issues too, as well as sneezing. I have never been a sneezer my whole life, now I can't be more than two feet away from my tissue box.

Lut C. said...

Ooooooh, how exciting!

Anonymous said...

Exciting indeed... congratulations on all the milestones.

Jess said...

OG, what a happy thing!

DL said...

I am savoring for you.

Lin said...

Beautifully said, OG! The baby, the move, the snot! So much at one time!!! All so very exciting (well, not the snot, but the rest!)

Anonymous said...

Lovely. Wonderful milestone, now you get to look forward to "my ass is a ledge" emerging from under a boob. That might not make sense right now but it will in a few months.

Sparkle said...

Fantastic news, good luck with the move.

pm said...

Marvellous, OG.

Anonymous said...

That's a fine moment, indeed. Good luck with the move!

Calliope said...

woo hooo! 17 weeks!!!

hope you & C have a smoooooth move into the big house. Can't wait to hear all the new adventures with the naughty nephews.

Unknown said...

Oh, I second Lala - the ass will DEFINATELY become a handy stand on which you can put your husband's beer, half your dinner, your keys, the tv remote... just about anything really.

But for now, those flutters are just divine. Enjoy!

DeadBug said...

Such a beautiful, shocking sensation, isn't it? I'm so glad you are enjoying those tiny, flickering moments with each other.


Anonymous said...

Og -- I've been on pins & needles checking for new info since your 15 weeks entry. Tomorrow I'm at 16 weeks -- and we're also in the middle of a move (construction project -- DH & his boss are taking bets about whether we'll be done before or after baby arrives).

I'm envious of your fluttery movement & looking forward to my own.
Best to you & C & the move & the little one.

Linda said...

Beautiful! I'm so happy things are going well for all of you.

Thalia said...

Well the cascade of slime bit sounds like no fun, but i'm very glad that there are fringe benefits.

mig bardsley said...

You bring it all back to me.
So happy for you :)

Yidchick said...

That first flitter flutter in your belly is amazing. Makes it feel less like a figment of imagination (and more like indigestion). Thinking of you. Hope the move and the little movements keep going well.

Anonymous said...

Lovely!! The most exciting bit for chaps often as not...

I was very snotty too. Avoid coffee (you probably are anyway) and ornages. An acupuncturist helped me a lot with mine but you may feel you have seen enough needles for the time being..
Good luck with the move, no lifting those boxes now!

Anonymous said...

Oh that is so sweet and tender. I am so glad things are going well. Good luck on the move.

Mony said...

I miss OG.......